Friday, December 19, 2008

Wouldnt You Like To Know The Basics of Splendid Orchid Care Part1

Let us say you indeed are earnest about growing splendid, magnificent orchids that are destined to enchant your entire family – and make friends go green with envy – then there are only four domains that require your full attention: temperature, humidity, water and light.

That is it.

Of course, depending on your orchid species, it will require different mix of the four. First, you need to know what types of orchids you’re caring for and then you need to know the quantity of each of these that your particular kind craves.

Let there be light

Let’s look at the last factor listed. Light makes all the difference, not only in the health of your flower, but in its size and shape as well.

No idea how much light your orchid likes?

Here are some fast hints. Initially look at the size and shape of your orchid. If your orchid has long and thin leaves then it is likely to require a lot of sunlight. In fact, it needs to be exposed to a strong light for the majority of the day.

Conversely, orchids with soft and wide leaves needs less sunlight. These wonderful plants flourish in a shaded area.

And, Then there is customization and this requires your vigilant eye. When your orchid looks a bit 'tired' it's indicating to you that it needs some more light.

Water, the element that guarantees survival of the orchid.

Water, the most critical requirement in orchid care. It is vital to understand that your orchid needs water only when the soil turns dry. The nurturing of orchids is a ongoing balance between air and water. For example, if the roots of these flowers don’t have enough air, then watering them will only case the growing medium to rot. This in turn, leads to fungus and the slow destruction of your orchid plant through infections and diseases.

Different orchid plants require differing amounts of moisture. Here are 3 simple tests that tell you if you need to water your prized flower. Water your orchid more if it’s

• exposed to humidity levels less than 40 percent
• having a lot of air movement which in turn leads to extra evaporation
• mounted on or in a basket

Join us for the next installment where we talk about the next to elements, temperature and humidity.
Neville Greenwood is a orchid growing enthusiast, through a free minicourse he will show you how to create your own amazing orchids step by step. Click to get your course noworchid concessions

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